Wednesday, October 20, 2010

James Harrison considering retirement

James Harrison, in reaction to the new "devastating hit" rule in the NFL, was given off of practice on Wednesday to mull his decision to retire because he doesn't know if he can continue to play effectively under the new changes.  Read all about it in the article above.

Ridiculous!  That is the SportsReaction. 

Really James Harrison?  You're considering retiring because the NFL fined you $75,000 (chump change for you) for almost decapitating a defenseless receiver running full speed over the middle of the field?

You should have been fined more, and suspended.  You are in serious jeopardy of taking a players life when you lead with the crown of your helmet to hit a player running full speed...especially when he is defenseless and has his eyes on the football.

I'm not a professional football player, and I don't have that streak in me where I want to injure somebody while in competition; but I do know that hits like this can't continue.  Not only are players livelihood (ability to walk and lead a "normal" life) at risk, there LIVES are in danger when hits like this are taking place.

Now I'm not going to get into any physical matters such as how to hit, and how not to hit, because I am not an athlete and I know nothing about the subject.  But I am a human being, and I know that a game is not a place where anybody's life should be put at risk.

James Harrison needs to be happy he wasn't suspended, then be happy that Mark Massoquoi is still alive; and then finally try to play the game of football without the intent of injuring others. 

You are a professional, now act like one.

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